5 keys to bring in Feng Shui in your home

We are sure that you have heard about Feng Shui and probably you also have a slight idea about what it is (although there are some that think that it’s a decorative style). Atipika Barcelona would like to explain Feng Shui to you and give you some keys so you can bring it into your house.

Feng Shui’s origins are Chinese, and it literally means ‘wind and water’. It is a philosophical trend which understands that space must be occupied in a conscious and harmonic way, because everything releases energy, and this energy has to be received by humans in a positive way so their life flows in the right path.

How about Atipika Barcelona gives you 5 keys to introduce Feng Shui in your home?

1. Order and emptiness. The most important thing, and what should be done first, is to tidy up and get rid of those unnecessary objects we all have around the house. It is very important to maintain order and to avoid accumulating useless objects.

2. Amplitude in spaces. In order for energy to flow and not get blocked, it is necessary that no object gets in the way of this fluidity. Therefore, straight or wavy spaces must be balanced. For example, in a corridor there should be a carpet so the energy does not speed up. On the contrary, in those spaces with angles, the energy would flow continuously, so it should be covered with fabrics or mouldings.

3. It is essential that your home gets plenty of natural light. Sun rays will provide your home with positive energy from which you can nourish.

4. There are some essential objects in Feng Shui ─ Mirrors are one of these elements, and if placed in strategic areas of the house, such as the dining room table, they can favour familiar relationships. The protective symbol is another fundamental element, and it must be placed in front of the door so negative energy does not get in your home.

5. Rooms and colours. Colours and the different types of rooms in a house are closely related. In rooms destined to rest, it is advisable to use cold, soft and neutral tonalities such as beige, pale blue or light green. On the other hand, those rooms reserved for leisure, such as the living room, should have bright colours – red, orange or yellow – so they provide us with energy.

Penthouse in Sant Gervasi

Atipika Barcelona would like to show you this penthouse located in Sant Gervasi, one of the most exclusive areas in Barcelona. In the blink of an eye you could go for a walk around the decoration stores in ‘Paseo de Gracia’ so you can bring in the Feng Shui philosophy in your house easily. If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact us for more information about this, or any of our properties.

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